Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The return of Depression economics

14:23 EST Friday, Jan 16, 2009
Bob Tattersall
TORONTO (GlobeinvestorGOLD)--Central banks around the world have slashed interest rates close to zero, while their government colleagues have announced huge fiscal stimulus programs, so it is only a matter of time before the global economy regains momentum.

Rick Warren Delivers Invocation

La primera frase: Nada mas y nada menos que el Shema
Conversation with Diane Feinstein
O: So you mean, by promoting a guy who represents none of my goals, ideals or hopes that the majority of the country voted for, and by devastating my own supporters on what was supposed to be a day of celebration and national rebirth, I'm actually promoting "change" by publicly undermining it?
DIFI: Exactly!

Exit the Boy King

Op-Ed Columnist
Published: January 21, 2009
Not since Klaatu landed in a flying saucer on the Ellipse has Washington been so mesmerized by an object whirring through the sky.

The confusing world of student loans

What You Need To Know About Finance
Video: How to talk to your kids about financing their education and money matters while they're at school. Katherine Giroux-Bougard, national chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students:
Money Finder: Take the quiz and see what is available to you
Can I afford this? From what you can expect to pay to what your options are

Monday, January 19, 2009

Time for (Self) Shock Therapy

Op-Ed Columnist
Published: January 18, 2009
For his first meeting as president, Barack Obama and his economic team should convene the 300 leading bank presidents and deliver a come-to-Jesus message.

Le Chagrin et la Pitié : le remake

Les Français, en gros, lors de l’occupation allemande, se répartissaient comme suit : 10% de résistants, 10% de collabos, 80% de «pacifistes». Ces «pacifistes-là» n’étaient pas des militants de la Paix. Il faut comprendre ce «pacifisme» dans le sens du «foutez-nous la paix». Ce qui importait à ces Français était de survivre, de faire le dos rond en attendant des jours meilleurs, même s’il fallait pour cela se forcer à être indifférents au sort de compatriotes juifs, des voisins souvent, des amis parfois, que l’on envoyait à la mort.

Zimbabwe Is Dying

Published: January 17, 2009
The world is ignoring the brutality of Robert Mugabe’s reign of Zimbabwe, which was once a prosperous and medically advanced nation.

Monday, January 12, 2009


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