Tuesday, April 13, 2010

David Rosenberg took your questions on housing

“We are certainly in a deflationary state,” says David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist with Gluskin Sheff and Associates in Toronto. “Of that, there’s no doubt.”
Globe and Mail Update Published on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010 5:21PM EST

Floating high on a delicate housing bubble

Published on Friday, Dec. 11, 2009 12:00AM EST
David Rosenberg is chief strategist for Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. and a guest columnist for Report on Business - If being 15-per-cent to 35-per-cent overvalued isn't a bubble, then it's the next closest thing.

School of Global Affairs

University of Toronto to reveal new School of Global Affairs
Peter Munk outside the Munk Centre in April 2008.
With $35-million gift from mining magnate Peter Munk, school hopes to become hub of Canada’s conversation with the world

Nik, bisturí del humor

Por Marcos Aguinis
Especial para lanacion.com

The Glory of Poland

Op-Ed Columnist
Published: April 13, 2010
History’s gyre can be of an unbearable cruelty — the death of Poland’s elite in the same cursed place, Katyn. But even the cruelest history can be overcome.

Twitter Unveils Plans to Draw Money From Ads

Published: April 12, 2010
The microblogging service plans to link keyword searches with advertising and show users relevant promoted posts.

Le dégel sino-américain à l'épreuve de l'Iran

Par Laure Mandeville 12/04/2010 | Le Figaro
Le dégel sino-américain à l'épreuve de l'Iran

Minguella, el nexo histórico entre Maradona y Messi

La columna de Juan Pablo Varsky / Para LA NACION
Minguella, el nexo histórico entre Maradona y Messi


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