Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sacry Math from David Rosenberg

1 in every 10 American homeowners missed a mortgage payment in Q1 (a record)
1 in 6 Americans are either unemployed or underemployed
Over 4 in 10 unemployed Americans have been out of work for at least six months.
1 in 4 Americans with a mortgage have negative equity in their homes.
1 in 10 Americans believe their income will rise in the next six months.
1 in 5 Americans see business conditions improving in the next six months.
1 in 50 Americans plan to buy a home in the next six months.
1 in 8 Americans believe that current government policy is actually helping the economy.
1 in 10 American small businesses have a job opening.
1 in 10 American’s credit card usage is being written off (a record).
There are 5 unemployed workers competing for every job opening (hence downward pressure on wage growth).
Outside of these, it’s all good.

Facebook in real life

Friday, May 7, 2010

Threat of Greek contagion

Threat of Greek contagion - Friday, May. 07, 2010 05:48AM EDT
Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics, talks to our Globe Investor Roundtable panelists about solutions

The markets' wild ride

Claude Askolovitch:"Jcall est une action amicale, inquiète et respectueuse"

Claude Askolovitch:"Jcall est une action amicale, inquiète et respectueuse"

4 questions à ... Ovadia Sofer

4 questions à ... Ovadia Sofer

Thursday, May 6, 2010


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