Friday, January 27, 2012

L'antisémitisme en Suède

Work At Home Mum Makes $10,397/Month Part-Time

Work At Home Mum Makes $10,397/Month Part-Time News Daily 7 Investigates Online Work at Home Programs...

Fantasía VS Realidad

De Prizka: "Estoy de paso por la vida, viviendo en un mundo irreal, donde la verdad es mezclada con fantasía, donde se vive rindiendo culto a los recuerdos... donde el pasado es el presente y el presente es sólo futuro... viviendo en sueños, entre cielos claros y oscuros, entre nubes de algodón...donde el dolor tiene un dulce sabor a esperanza... donde sabemos que el amor tiene olor a vida pero sabe a muerte y que el sonreír es sólo fingir... en este universo en el que vale mil tristezas un minuto de felicidad... donde mucha gente te observa, pero pocos te advierten lo que eres... Continúo acumulando tristezas... algún día llegaré al precio... Mientras tanto vivo tejiendo voces, sigo escribiendo mi historia, mi vida entera en una lágrima... Hoy vendí mis recuerdos y me compré otro deseo... No hay vuelta atrás, al fin y al cabo alguna vez todo se marchita... Nunca supiste que pasaba cuando las mariposas escapaban de mi cabeza, surgiendo palabras, tan sólo palabras volando frente ti, durmiendo entre tus brazos... Valió la pena la ausencia... **Lo que estás leyendo no es real, no existe, no es mi vida, no expresa lo que siento. Esto no es real, simplemente no soy real... Nada de esto es real **"

IDS 12: 90 Seconds of Design with Piero Lissoni

Jobs, Jobs and Cars

OPINION Jobs, Jobs and Cars By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: January 26, 2012 Gov. Mitch Daniels got so much wrong in his reply to the president’s State of the Union address. To really create jobs, it takes a cluster, not just heroes.

Prime Minister Harper unveils grand plan to reshape Canada

Prime Minister Harper unveils grand plan to reshape Canada JOE FRIESEN AND BILL CURRY TORONTO AND OTTAWA— From Friday's Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Susan Boyle duets with Elaine Paige December 2009 - "I know Him So Well"

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah (original studio version)+Lyrics

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah

k.d. lang Hallelujah Winter Olympics 2010

YES - Awaken - P2 (Montreux-2003) - Rick Wakeman

28 Insights to Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet

from Richard Robbins website: 1. Believe in yourself. You have and are everything you need to be to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. 2. In 2012, you are writing the next chapter in the story of your life. Write something that makes you proud. 3. Remember: if it is consistently hard, it's probably not right. 4. Fully commit to your goals. Many are interested in achieving their goals, but few are really committed. 5. In 2012, resolve to be the calming influence in all situations. 6. Find the positive when faced with a negative experience. 7. In 2012, refuse to accept anything less than your best work. 8. Don't wait to see what type of year you are going to have. DECIDE what type of year you are going to have. 9. Inspire others rather than trying to impress; be interested rather than trying to be interesting. 10. Lead with your heart, not with your head: the heart is always smarter than the head.


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