Monday, February 9, 2009

Why the Muslim World Can’t Hear Obama

Op-Ed Contributor
Published: February 8, 2009
Egyptians saw Barack Obama as a symbol of justice. They welcomed him with almost total enthusiasm until he underwent his first real test: Gaza..

1 comment:

  1. I would simply suggest for the young generation to stop pity themselves and start building a just society based basic values of democracy. How can you be so blindfolded about Hamas? Nobody is saying that the Palestinian people don't deserve a future, simply start contributing to the human race and not only focus on destroying it. No one has helped the Palestinian people more than the entire international community including the United Sates. Instead of wasting that aid in fostering anger, Palestinians should choose for themselves to build their institutions and infrastructure to craft a better future for them. Why is it acceptable to fire blindly rockets/missiles for years to your neighbours and expect them to respect you and protect you? Why don't you condemn Hamas for supporting in their own chart the destruction of Israel? What am I not getting here? What are you trying to convey? Respectfully, Aqui Tub



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