Monday, April 20, 2009

The Green Issue - Batteries Not Included

The Green Issue
Batteries Not Included
Published: April 19, 2009
Shai Agassi claims he has solved the electric-car problem. Now if he can just get the auto companies, a few national governments and millions of consumers to adopt his scheme.

1 comment:

  1. The Evil of Battery Distribution System Reliance

    In most regards it is THE solution to our CURRENT rapid charge systems. Here’s the “evil” part of this battery swap equation: it stifles rapid charge development. What does this mean? It means we now have to now rely on “the company that sells you the”: battery. A battery that is now standardized and must be instantly removable and that has a fixed input system. Suddenly rapid charge is reliant on a now developmentally -weakened by standardization- tech and will fall by the wayside. The company that sells you the battery has sufficiently squelched rapid charge development.

    Rapid Charge development provides you the customer to choose your electrical source. You may choose municipal energy (like Pepco here in DC), the company that sells a rapid charge, or even if you want you may choose to fuel it from your personally generated source such as solar panels, wind, etc. That is why rapid charge as a method of fueling is by far superior to a standardized and source weakened distribution system.

    Tesla motors a very small barely known company was recently able to develop a 45 minute rapid charge battery system. Our nation can spur development and make this benchmark come down to 5 or even 1 minute rapid charge and offer ubiquitous fueling source distribution.



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