Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Attack on Iran would be ‘suicidal’ for U.S

Attack on Iran would be ‘suicidal’ for U.S.: ambassador Reuters Feb 8, 2012 – 8:17 AM ET | Last Updated: Feb 8, 2012 11:47 AM ET

1 comment:

  1. My personal reflection: The public comments are so anti-Israel that it's worth being informed to be able to counter these opinions. I wouldn't mind a non nuclear Israel for as long as its existence is never questioned again by anyone. Which is far from being the case! I'm in complete awe to see and read how people allow Iran representatives to openly call for the destruction of Israel at the UN and life goes on as if Israel is the black sheep in the world. Once and for all in history, I hope we will reach the point where we can truly benefit from peace without the constant threat of not being allowed to exist as a country and people. Yes, Israel makes mistakes and is not a perfect country, but its contributions to the world far exceed its "mistakes". Israel does not wage war in hopes of annexing territories, it is not an imperialistic country. Just have everyone around it recognize and allow its existence and non of this nonsense will exist. Yes, superpowers like USA and Russia and China and Iran etc... do have their own agendas in how to control the geographical hinge of the world. That's nothing new. The Romans, the Christians, the Ottomans, the British, and more recently the Americans, the Russians, Iran and China have their stake in controlling it. These are purely macro-economic interests and human greed. Let's work towards bending that greed and allow true democracies to flourish. Hopefully, time will tell and the Arab spring will not be a process to replace dictatorships with theocracies, which essentially are forms of dictatorships where individualities are not allowed, therefore human creativity is replaced with frustration and anger, giving way to hate and greed, opening the path to war. That's my thought of the day.



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