Thursday, February 9, 2012

U.S. and Israel Split on Speed of Iran Threat

WORLD U.S. and Israel Split on Speed of Iran Threat By MARK LANDLER and DAVID E. SANGER Published: February 8, 2012 An intense debate has erupted over when Tehran’s nuclear facilities will become invulnerable to an Israeli attack, and if economic sanctions need more time to work.

1 comment:

  1. You have to love the tone of this article!

    Most people involved in the middle-east chaos, claim to be devoted to G' and everyone in their own version prays to the same G' with the same origins and seem to accept the creation of the world as we understand it per the old testament.

    If that were to be true, then lets for a moment imagine that the middle-east and why not, our world as we know it as "Paradise". G' instructions would be, you can wonder around and eat from every tree but you shall not approach nor eat from one tree. The Tree of knowledge or the Tree of life like others like to call it.

    It seems that if we were simplistic, and sometimes it helps the analysis, that every human creature has been obsessed with the smallest of all people, and certainly the smallest of all countries, and the one that provides to the world a significant amount of knowledge allowing life to exist and to improve.

    If that tree was to be named "Israel", being at the centre of the Garden of Eden, or geographically "the hinge of the world", aren't we all just repeating the same mistake that was made in the Garden of Eden.

    In fact I love this concept. Just let this Tree exist, protect it, love it (that would be too much to ask) and maybe some good things would happen.

    The drooling saliva of human greed, like others before in their own flavour, is using more than ever Israel front and centre to blame a possible "new war"!

    What if we all agreed, Muslims, Christians, Russian orthodox, and communist Chinese to name just a few, that in fact our world is the Garden of Eden, and all we are asked for is not to touch one entity ... aren't most of these people devoted? In fact, I don't think they are. They are simply in darkness.

    I am in disbelief to see how the world chess board has been manipulated to expect that the smallest entity in this conflict would be front and centre the one responsible to dismantle the biggest threat to our Garden of Eden.

    This is like a Disney adventure... The Tree needs to talk?

    How crazy that is!



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